Series 2 Episode 26: You’re Under Arrest

No clever titles, as Richard and Drew lay down the law and discuss the 1994 OAV, Taihoushichauzo!, AKA, You’re Under Arrest.

This episode was recorded back shortly after New Year’s and before the world went to hell, so we open with some chit-chat about what we were up to closing 2019. We discuss the passing of anime seiyuu Inoue Makio and theatrical showings of Mobile Suit Gundam: Char’s Counterattack ahead of the review.

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Not Bootleg As In Underground: Son May, Ever Anime and More

Drew is back with another Free Talk segment here at Akihabara Renditions! What follows is a tale of 1990s Japanese Animation fandom, international piracy, and goblins.

Wait. What?

Ok, Fine, no goblins! It’s more of Drew cleaning junk out of his house. In this piece, we’re going to talk about a staple of the anime fan scene (especially the convention scene) in the mid to late 1990s and early 2000s: Son May and Ever Anime, finest purveyors of bootleg anime CDs.

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Series 2 Episode 24: In Defense Of Zeta Gundam

Richard and Drew sit down to chat about one of their favorite series in the Gundam franchise, nay, a favorite TV series of all time – 1985’s Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam. Zeta has been held highly in the pantheon of Gundam series but went through a long period of harsh criticism.  Unlike a typical review of the series itself, we decided to discuss the series featuring criticisms and critiques of the series and respond to them, which are off-base and which are well reasoned.

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Links to our quotes can be found below.

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Flipped and Flopped: Manga Fandom In The Mid-1990s

I have mentioned in various Internet communities about Operation: Get Your Shit Out Of My House – the appearance of stuff, presented by my parents at holidays or other family gatherings that for one reason or another – college living, pre-home-ownership transient lifestyles, etc, stuck around at their house and they are ready for it to be gone. ‘Stuff’ is the best way to describe it. Once it was model kits (finished and unfinished), another time, it was computer stuff like floppy disks (detailed in another Free Talk). This time it was comic books.

I was really into comics in the early 1990s and my comic book fandom was, ultimately, what got me into anime. But as allowances are limited, I’d quit American superhero comics by the mid-90s to put that thin-stack of cash towards cartoons. But going through the comics in those long boxes was a trip down memory lane of not just a piece of my childhood (and getting everything priced to sell) but a time capsule of anime fandom more than I could ever imagine.

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Series 2 Episode 21: Yoroiden Samurai Troopers 30th Anniversary

In this episode, Drew and Richard talk about a panel they were planned to present at Anime Weekend Atlanta in 2018, the Yoroiden Samurai Troopers 30th Anniversary! We talk about the original TV series and the OAVs that came after. YST is a series that was near and dear to our hearts in our earlier fandom and is still a show we talk about off-air, so it was great to sit down and chat about this series. As you can tell from some background noise early on, we’re not the only ones who are down with YST!

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